
If you build it, they will come

By Kay Joly Oct 15, 2020 | 1:16 PM

by Darren Matassa, General Sales Manager
Starboard Communications LTD.

It’s rarely a phrase spoken by business owners, but I can attest to the fact that’s what many of them are quietly thinking. Typically, they’ll open up a business or make a change to their business and expect customers to flock in the door like hungry lemmings.

Most of the time, the marketing plan that’s needed to assure their new businesses’ success; hasn’t even been thought about; not to mention written into the business plan! That being said, when they do get around to it; they spend such minimal dollars (and often in the wrong place) that in many cases they are throwing away their money.

On many occasions we’ve told them that we can’t accept their business, as it wouldn’t be fair; because we know the results that the business owner wants, can’t be achieved with such a small budget. On the other hand, some businesses throw copious amounts of money at what they believe to be their target audience and hope it works; which is also wrong and expensive.

What is Target Marketing?

Target marketing is about attracting new and current customers who will buy what you’re selling.

After all, your business isn’t a magnet nor is it a stand-alone business within your category so best not to delude yourself into thinking either.

In order to target your marketing effectively, you’ll need to know exactly who purchases your products and services and exactly how to best reach them. Acquiring that kind of knowledge requires some realistic research, help and guidance from people that know more about it.

Of course, there’s more to it than that!

  • Ask us to help you plumb the depths of target marketing for your business; don’t guess.
  • Don’t build something and expect it to be blindly consumed by the masses.
  • Try not to assume that people will find you when you want to be found.
  • If consumers don’t buy from you, ever consider it may not be because they don’t know of your business… but perhaps they have a negative perception about your business?
Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash