
InQuinte.ca believes that in a time where information is readily available, but not always reliable, that information needs to be delivered by people you trust, local reporters that care about your community. Our newsroom upholds the highest standard of journalism integrity.

Stories and opinions are presented in a variety of ways from a variety of sources.

InQuinte.ca is available and accessible to all who want to contribute, either through comments, stories and photo submissions or ideas and suggestions for future coverage.


A mistake that traditional media continues to make is to force a process into a platform that doesn’t fit.  InQuinte is an online news media source that designs the local content for the online user; photo galleries, video and audio links, and user-friendly social media sharing features.


Dedication to monitoring metrics to ensure the users are engaged. What are people reading and sharing – testing, tweaking and adding content in real-time to continually improve the user experience through the website and social media platforms.

All advertisers are provided with regular reports, showing exactly how many times their ad appeared on pages of InQuinte.ca with urchin tracking so you can better identify the results from your own analytics. Know where your customers are coming from, know where they go on your site, so you can maximize your online presence.


Our in-house graphic design team ensures that ads can be updated almost immediately if needed. If there are issues that affect the success of a campaign, creative can be changed quickly with a click of a mouse!


Programs are priced for a variety of needs and budgets.


Designed for today’s internet user, encouraging the reader to scroll through pages and navigate throughout the website.  This user flow will maximize the advertising spots, increasing the chances of the ad being seen and interacted with.

The truly responsive design ensures the user has a positive experience on all devices.

More than news

Providing a range of views and opinions from interesting and unique perspectives from people you know and trust – Paul Martin’s Beyond the Headlines, Czech Points and more.

Research shows that loyal readership is developed from lots of “opinion content”, features and stories. One of the founders of the Huffington Post remarked in an interview that a large part of their success (founded in 2005 as a political blog, and sold to AOL in 2009 for $351 million) is thanks to ordinary people enjoy sharing good, interesting and controversial content.

Premium Reach Plan

• Premium ad positioning (home page)
• Full page pop-up
• Run of site ad positioning
• Community marketplace ad

Basic Reach Plan

• Run of site ad positioning
• Community marketplace ad

Community Marketplace

Your ad will be displayed in the community news stories, calendar, obituaries, photo galleries, and local sports scores.

Increase visibility with these options!

Content Post

Ideal for Help Wanted, Special Events, to tell your story, or to position you and your business as industry experts.

Content post is e-blasted to subscriber base and social media platforms.

Includes run-of-site ad campaign linking to post for 5 days, extending life and visibility.

All In One

Ideal for events/sales – 14 days run-of-site ad campaign and content post-e-blasted to subscriber base and social media platform + 1-day premium positioning + full-page pop up.

You also have the option of these add-ons: Home Page positioning and Full Page Pop-Up for your ad.

Featured Content

All features are published regularly and shared on Facebook & Twitter. On the day of publication, the feature is included in our subscriber-based email blast.

Digital marketing for the feature will include your brand.

Beyond the Headlines
Opinion feature by Managing Editor, Bill Glisky
Published Monday – Friday

Czech Points
Weekly sports feature by Paul Svoboda
Published every Friday


Top stories of the day are emailed t our subscribers every Monday – Friday afternoons. Days of the week are booked collectively. ie. Every Monday, every Tuesday etc.